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I need a beginner green laser pointer please give me some advice!


Hi everyone?i am new here.I just want to say hello to everyone  here and hope we can all be friends.
I also want to get a laser pointer,but i do not get any informations about which one is suit to me.
(image removed by moderator)
i found this one on a website named (link removed by moderator), but i dont know whether its good or not.and i do not know the website is good or not
please give me some advice or experience .thats very kind of u.

Спамеры зае*али. Лезут изо всех щелей и на все лазерные форумы. Товарищь админ, грохните его, плз!

Сейчас разберемся с ним. Я сейчас отвечу так, чтобы реклама превратилась в антирекламу. Заодно проверим на вшивость - бот или человек. Забанить всегда успеем.



Did you read the FAQ at http://www.repairfaq.org/sam/lasersam.htm ?

Most likely this laser pointer is bad just like others. In fact, it should NOT be used as a pointer at all. It is VERY dangerous to your health.


If you really need an advice, please consider reading Sam's Laser FAQ first. Do not buy powerful laser pointers just for fun, they're VERY DANGEROUS and may cause a PERMAMENT EYE DAMAGE. They are subject for special regulations in most countries.

If you have already read S.L.FAQ and still have questions, please ask.


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